Understanding Covariance and Contravariance in C# – A Comprehensive Guide

The concepts of Covariance and Contravariance in C# might initially sound complex, but fear not! By the end of this article, you’ll have a crystal-clear understanding of how they work and how to leverage them in your C# programming.

“Covariance and Contravariance are terms used in programming languages to describe how subtypes relate to their base types. Covariance is when a derived type can be used where a base type is expected. On the other hand, Contravariance is when a base type can be used where a derived type is expected.

Covariance and contravariance deal with how type conversions are allowed between reference types in C#. These concepts come into play when working with arrays, delegates, and interfaces.

Covariance and Contravariance in C#

Let’s start by understanding each concept separately.

Covariance in C#

Covariance allows a conversion from a more derived type to a less derived type. In simpler terms, it lets us use a derived type where a base type is expected.

For example, suppose a class B is derived from a class A. In that case, a covariant type allows us to seamlessly substitute an instance of B wherever an instance of A is expected.

It preserves the assignment compatibility, enabling you to treat a collection of derived types as a collection of base types. Covariance can be applied on array, delegate, interface, generic etc.

Example 1: Using Covariance With Array

Here, the array of derived type Dog is treated as an array of base type Animal.

using System;
// Defines a base class 'Animal'
class Animal { }
// Defines a derived class 'Dog'
class Dog : Animal { }

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Creating an array of dogs
        Dog[] dogs = new Dog[] { new Dog(), new Dog() };

        // Covariance: Treating the array of dogs as an array of animals
        Animal[] animals = dogs; // Covariance in action

        // Demonstrating the result
        Console.WriteLine("Animals array contains " + animals.Length + " animals.");
        Console.WriteLine("First animal is a " + animals[0].GetType().Name);


// Output:
Animals array contains 2 animals.
First animal is a Dog

Code Explained:

  • We have created the Animal and Dog classes. Dog class is derived from Animal.
  • We create an array of Dog objects named dogs.
  • Covariance occurs when we assign the dogs array (of derived type Dog) to the animals array (of base type Animal). This is possible because Dog is a subtype of Animal.
  • The animals array can now hold objects of type Dog, even though it’s declared as an array of type Animal.
  • Output shows the length of the animals array and the type of the first animal, which is indeed a Dog.

This example illustrates how covariance allows us to treat a more specific type (Dog) as a more general type (Animal) in certain contexts, such as arrays. The power of covariance lies in its ability to enable code reusability and flexibility when working with polymorphic structures.

Example 2: Using Covariance With Interface

The IEnumerable interface exhibits covariance.
Let’s use the same example:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Animal { }
class Dog : Animal { }

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Creating an enumerable of dogs
        IEnumerable<Dog> dogEnumerable = new List<Dog> { new Dog(), new Dog() };

        // Covariance with IEnumerable<out T>: Treating dogEnumerable as a collection of animals
        IEnumerable<Animal> animalEnumerable = dogEnumerable; // Covariance in action

        Console.WriteLine($"Animals array contains {animalEnumerable.Count()} animals ");
        // Iterating through the animalEnumerable and demonstrating the result
        foreach (Animal animal in animalEnumerable)
            Console.WriteLine($"Animal type: {animal.GetType().Name}");
     //Animals array contains 2 animals
    // Animal type: Dog
   //  Animal type: Dog

This example demonstrates covariance using the IEnumerable<out T> interface. It shows how a collection of a more specific type (Dog) can be treated as a collection of a more general type (Animal).

Example 3: Using Covariance With Func<out TResult>

Delegates can also be covariant with return types.
Explaining covariance with return types using the Func<out TResult> delegate:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Animal { }
class Dog : Animal { }

class Program
    static void Main()
        // Creating an enumerable of dogs
        IEnumerable<Dog> dogEnumerable = new List<Dog> { new Dog(), new Dog() };

        // Covariance with IEnumerable<out T>: Treating dogEnumerable as a collection of animals
        IEnumerable<Animal> animalEnumerable = dogEnumerable; // Covariance in action

        Console.WriteLine($"Animals array contains {animalEnumerable.Count()} animals ");
        // Iterating through the animalEnumerable and demonstrating the result
        foreach (Animal animal in animalEnumerable)
            Console.WriteLine($"Animal type: {animal.GetType().Name}");
     //Animals array contains 2 animals
    // Animal type: Dog
   //  Animal type: Dog

This example illustrates how covariance works with delegate return types using the Func<out TResult> delegate.

It showcases how a delegate returning a more specific type (Dog) can be treated as a delegate returning a more general type (Animal).

Contravariance in C#

Contravariance is a powerful type compatibility concept in C# that allows a more general (base) type to be used where a more specific (derived) type is expected. 

This might sound contradictory at first, but it becomes incredibly useful when working with delegates, method parameters, and interfaces. 

Imagine you have a class hierarchy where one class is derived from another. Contravariance lets you use methods or components that require the base class as arguments, even if you provide instances of the derived class.

This enhances code reusability and adaptability by enabling methods and components to accept a wider range of inputs without sacrificing type safety.

For example, when defining delegates or method parameters, you can use contravariance to accept arguments of more general types, providing a level of flexibility that can simplify your code and make it more versatile. 

Contravariance in C# enables developers to design more flexible and reusable code by allowing them to work with base types where derived types are expected.

Example: Contravariance using delegate

using System;

namespace ContravarianceExample
    public class Manager
        public string Skill = "Can Talk";

    public class Employee : Manager
        public string Position = "Regular Employee";

    delegate void Factory<in T>(T employee);

    class Program
        static void PrintSkill(Manager manager)
            Console.WriteLine($"Skill: {manager.Skill}");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Factory<Manager> managerFactory = PrintSkill;
            Factory<Employee> employeeFactory = managerFactory; // Contravariance

            Employee emp = new Employee();



Skill: Can Talk

Code Explained:

The Factory<in T> delegate is contravariant, which means that you can assign a delegate that takes a more general type (Manager) to a delegate that takes a more specific type (Employee).

In the Main method:

  • We create an instance of the Factory<Manager> delegate named managerFactory, which points to the PrintSkill method.
  • We assign the managerFactory delegate to an instance of the Factory<Employee> delegate named employeeFactory, showcasing contravariance.
  • We then invoke the employeeFactory delegate, passing an instance of Employee as an argument. This demonstrates that the contravariant delegate can handle a more specific type (Employee) even though the delegate is defined to accept a more general type (Manager).

When you run the code, you’ll see that the employeeFactory delegate, assigned through contravariance, successfully calls the PrintSkill method with an Employee object.


Q: What is covariance and contravariance in C#?

Covariance and contravariance are concepts that deal with the compatibility of types in C#. Covariance enables a more specific type to be used in place of a more general type, while contravariance allows a more general type to be used in place of a more specific type.

Q: How does covariance work in C#?

Covariance allows a derived type to be used where a base type is expected. For example, if you have a class hierarchy with a base class Animal and a derived class Dog, you can treat a collection of Dog instances as a collection of Animal instances.

Q: How does contravariance work in C#?

Contravariance allows a base type to be used where a derived type is expected. It’s often used with method parameters or delegates. For instance, you can pass a method that accepts a BaseClass parameter to a delegate that expects a DerivedClass parameter.

Q: Where are covariance and contravariance commonly used?

Covariance is commonly used when working with collections, interfaces like IEnumerable, and scenarios where you want to treat specific types as more general types. Contravariance is widely used with method parameters, delegates, and scenarios where you want to accept broader inputs.

Q: Can covariance and contravariance be used interchangeably?

No, covariance and contravariance in C# are different concepts. They work in opposite directions: covariance uses derived types where base types are expected, while contravariance uses base types where derived types are expected. Each has its own specific use cases and benefits.

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Shekh Ali
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