Learn C# programming language with this comprehensive C# tutorial series. From beginner to advanced topics, It covers everything you need to know to become proficient in C# programming.
C# is a popular object-oriented programming language used to develop different types of software applications. One of the key features of C# is the interface, which allows developers to define a contract for a class without specifying any implementation details.
This article will discuss the syntax, advantages, and implementation of C# interfaces, along with practical code examples.
C++ VS C#: If you want to develop software or applications, you might be considering C++ or C# as your programming language. Both C++ and C# are popular programming languages, but they differ. This article will compare and contrast C++ and C# to help you determine which language is right for your project.
C# Stopwatch is a powerful class provided by the .NET Framework that we can use to measure the execution time of a specific code block. It is commonly used in performance testing and benchmarking applications to measure the time a code snippet takes to execute.
The Stopwatch class is part of the System.Diagnostics namespace and is available in all .NET programming languages, including C#.
As a C# developer, your code must have used string formatting. It is a technique to represent strings with placeholders that you can replace with values at runtime.
In C#, there are two ways to format strings: the String.Format() method and the C# string interpolation. This article will discuss C# string interpolation, its syntax, examples, and performance. We will also compare it with the String.Format() method and explore its new features in C# 10.
C# is a versatile programming language that offers developers a wide range of features. One of the most important features is string formatting. C# String formatting allows developers to format their strings according to specific requirements, which makes it easier to read and display data in different formats.
In this article, we will discuss how to format string in C# in different ways using examples.
The Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers starting with 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two numbers. It is a popular mathematical concept that has many real-world applications.
This blog post will explore the Fibonacci sequence and its implementation in C# programming language.
Calculating factorial is a common task in programming. In C#, a factorial can be calculated in several ways, including loops and recursion. In this article, we will explore different ways to calculate factorial in C# and provide full code examples with explanations.
In the world of programming, Collections are a powerful feature that helps us store and manage data in a structured and organized manner. C# provides two types of Collections:
Generic and
Non-Generic Collection Classes.
Both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Non-Generic Collection Classes in C#.
Design Patterns are a set of reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They are not a finished design that we can transform directly into code but rather a guide for solving problems.
The goal of using Design Patterns is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of software development and provide a common vocabulary for developers to discuss design solutions.
C# switch case statement is a selection statement that lets you choose which code block to execute from among many options. It evaluates an expression and executes the code corresponding to the expression’s matching value.
A switch statement is similar to if-else statements, but it provides a more concise way to compare a single value against a series of multiple possible constant expressions.
In this article, we will explore the C# switch statement and its various use cases.
As a SQL Server developer, you may encounter situations where you must convert data types from one form to another. The SQL Server CONVERT function can help you achieve this task by changing the data type of an expression to another data type.
This article will cover everything you need to know about the SQL Server CONVERT function. I’ll explain the function and how to use it and provide code examples in SQL Server. We’ll also compare the CONVERT function to similar functions in SQL Server, like CAST, FORMAT, and PARSE.
In C#, operators are special symbols or characters used to perform specific operations on one or more operands. These operators help in manipulating data and performing various computations on them.
C# has a wide range of operators, such as assignment, arithmetic, relational, logical, unary, ternary, bitwise, and compound assignment operators. Understanding and using these operators correctly is crucial for effective programming in C#.
The goto in C# is a jump statement that transfers the control to another part of the program. In this article, we will learn in detail about the goto statement its advantages and disadvantages with code examples.
In this article, we will delve into System.IO namespace in C# and understand the classes it provides to perform various input and output operations in a C# program. This article will cover all the essential topics of System.IO namespace, including the classes, methods, and properties, along with code examples to illustrate their use.
This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of System.IO namespace and help you in your journey of mastering C# programming.
Temperature conversion between Celsius and Fahrenheit is a commonly used calculation in various fields including science and engineering. In this article, we will learn how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in C# and also how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius using C# programming language.
The If-Else and Switch statements allow you to make decisions based on the outcome of an expression. If-else operates through linear search whereas the Switch statement uses binary search. “If-else” and “switch” are conditional statements, but they work in different ways.
In this article, we will understand the key differences between If-Else and Switch statements in C#.
The main difference between local and global variables is that local variables can be accessed only within the function or block in which they are defined, whereas global variables can be accessed globally throughout the entire program.
In this article, we will try to understand the fundamental concepts of local and global variables, their use cases, Pros and Cons, and how to use them effectively in our code.
Difference between local and global variables in C#
Stack vs Heap: In C#, Stack and Heap are two important memory allocation structures that every programmer should understand.
The Stack is a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) data structure that temporarily stores data with a short lifespan, such as function call parameters and local variables.
It is used for short-term memory allocation, ideal for data that is needed only within the scope of a method or function. The Data in the Stack memory is automatically deallocated when the method’s scope (function or block) is exited.
Stack memory is typically faster to allocate and deallocate than heap memory but has a fixed size, which can lead to stack overflow errors if exhausted.
On the other hand, A Heap is a dynamic memory allocation structure used for objects with a longer lifespan, but be aware of managing their memory properly (or relying on the garbage collector in C#).
Objects created using the new keyword are typically allocated on the Heap.
The main difference between the two is that Stack memory is allocated and deallocated in a predictable and deterministic manner, while Heap memory is allocated dynamically and can lead to fragmentation over time.
The primary difference between read-only and const keywords is that const represents a compile-time constant, whereas read-only is a runtime constant.
The Constant variables must be initialized at compile-time with fixed values. Their values are known during compilation and, once assigned, cannot be changed afterwards.
On the other hand, Read-Only variables are also immutable. They can be assigned a value either at the time of declaration or at runtime within the constructor but cannot be modified afterwards for the life of the program.
Difference between readonly and const keywords in c#
C# Field Vs Property: The main difference between a Field and a Property in C# is that a field is simply a variable of any type declared within a class or struct, whereas a property is a class member that offers a convenient way to access, modify, or calculate the value of a private field.
Fields are standard class variables, and properties are an abstraction for accessing their values. In this tutorial, you will learn about the difference between field and property in C# and how to use them effectively.