C# Private Constructor (with example)

A Private Constructor is an instance constructor used to prevent creating an instance of a class if it has no instance fields or methods. It is used in classes that contain only static members.

In this article, we will explore the concept of a private constructor, its uses, and how it can be implemented in C# programming.

CSharp Private Constructor
C# Private Constructor


Copy Constructor in C# with Code Examples


In object-oriented programming, a copy constructor plays a crucial role in creating a new object by copying the variables from an existing object. 

Copy constructor allows us to initialize a fresh instance with the values of an already existing instance. Although C# doesn’t inherently provide a copy constructor, we can create one according to our specific requirements.

In this article, we’ll try to understand the concept of Copy constructors in C# with examples.

Copy Constructor in C#
Copy Constructor in C#


C# Static Constructor (with Examples)

A static constructor is a method that initializes static data members of a class or executes a specific task that needs to be done only once. This constructor is automatically invoked before the first instance of a class is created, or any static data members are accessed.

In this post, We will learn about the C# static constructor with multiple examples.

CSharp Static Constructor
C# Static Constructor